Vehicle Rescue Skills (Team Collaboration) Fully Open the Rescue Channel

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Once we have removed all body-cocked items during the space creation phase and we have an immediate, rapid and appropriate plan, we should fully enter the final rescue route.

The degree to which the rescue channel is fully opened depends on:

1 , the availability of the wounded condition

2 , the location of the vehicle / direction. This determines the maximum space that can be used.

3 , the location / direction of the injured person . This determines the final rescue route.

Rescue route

If possible, the ultimate rescue route should be to allow the wounded to get out of the front of the vehicle first. This makes cervical management more convenient. It is important to remember that since it is not always possible to do so, the field commander should (after learning the doctor's information) determine the rescue route that best meets the needs of the wounded.

Full open rescue channel and final rescue route example

Fully opening the rescue channel not only makes the rescue process more centered on the wounded, but also ensures that rescue workers have more work space, which makes the rescue at this stage more secure and simple. Even the injured who have suffered minor injuries are difficult to be rescued in an appropriate manner. Therefore, additional space will allow more rescue workers to “free up the hand”, which reduces the burden.

Gold standard rescue

If possible, emergency rescue routes should meet the "gold standard." This refers to the fact that the wounded people do not understand and the spine or pelvis is kept straight. This is the most wounded approach to relief.

If possible, the goal of creating space and fully opening the rescue corridor should be based on this goal.

This article belongs to holmatro and edited by China Rescue Equipment Network.

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